POP Certification: Audit 4.0
About it
Audioutdoor offers a POP (Proof of Posting) certification dedicated to media centers, agencies and OOH advertising enterprises. Through our innovative Audit4.0 platform, it is possible to monitor the certification of Out-of-Home campaigns in real time, as early as 24 hours after the campaign starts.
Our daily updates provide up-to-date reports on the progression of campaign exposure, including photo certification.
Using a georeferenced system and photographic evidence, we certify that the campaign has been posted on all planned panels.
Audioutdoor’s POP Certification service, at the moment, covers all paper based inventory.
How it works
Every 14 days, affiliated media owners share with Audioutdoor their advertising plans scheduled for the following week.
Starting 24 hours after the start of the campaign, Audioutdoor receives the relevant images daily, panel by panel. The transfer is done through encrypted SFTP, with a metadata packet that includes the georeferencing of the panel and campaign’s master data.
The received images are then checked to ensure that the intended subject matches the one that was actually posted.
By cross-referencing the anagraphic information shared by media owners and the photographs received, the platform produces the reports with which Audit4.0 users can track the progression and certification of their campaigns in real time.

Elenco Affissioni (Posting List)
With the “Elenco Affisioni” report (the original and specific name used in Audit 4.0 for the posting list) , it is possible to analyze in detail all key information about an advertising campaign, including its anagraphic characteristics and related numerical data.
This report:
1) allows to obtain constantly updated information on the municipalities in which the advertising campaign was planned
2) allows to obtain constantly updated information on the involved media owners
3) provides details on the specific types of panels and their formats.
The table also includes the information on the amount of planned panels and the amount of installations on which photo certification has already been carried out.
To simplify access to this information, registered users can view the table in Audit 4.0 dashboard, and download their campaign reports in PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML or CSV formats.

Elenco Affissioni Dettaglio (Detailed Posting List)
With the “Dettaglio elenco affissioni” (the original and specific name used in Audit 4.0 for the detailed posting list), it is possible to view detailed information about each panel location in a campaign. The report allows to derive information about the panel’s campaign, municipality and address. It also includes its format and type.
A supporting photograph is attached to each panel location to certify that the campaign has been posted on the planned installations. In the event that the posting is incorrect, unreadable, missing or damaged, the photograph will be labeled with a red sticker and a warning in the ”quantità verificata NON OK” (verified quantity not ok) column
To simplify the access to this information, registered users can view the table in Audit 4.0 dashboard and they can download their own campaign reports in PDF, Excel, PowerPoint, HTML or CSV formats.