Release the Audience for the city of Palermo and update those for the city of Rome
The recent partecipation of out-of-home advertising companies Alessi and APA to Audioutdoor has resulted in the expansion of the monitored assets by over 6,000 advertising spaces in total, rendering updated audience data available for the city of Rome (with 405 new installations from the APA company) and additionally, the first time measurements for the city of Palermo (4,410 installations from the Alessi
company). The update for Rome also included new large formats from Urban Vision.
The update for Rome is highly significant, as it is the city with the largest population in Italy and, above all, the highest number of out-of-home installations. Thanks to APA’s participation, coverage in the capital becomes more solidified, making the audience data for advertising campaigns on this medium even more representative. In addition to static installations, it is now possible to include APA’s dynamic component (which consists of 12 tourist buses circulating in the historic center) in the planning tool for the study.
Palermo is a new innovation for Audioutdoor because it marks the first time the company Alessi has entered the audience measurement system. Until now, none of the other Audioutdoor companies operated in Sicily. With this addition, the South and Islands area brings national coverage to the medium. Furthermore, it’s worth noting that Palermo is the fifth most populous city in Italy and the third in terms of installations. With the addition of Palermo, Audioutdoor now represents 12 cities measured with the new Cityfull model.
Padua and Bologna will soon be updated following the participation of the company Local Leader, which also brings significant quantities to these two cities, as well as Milan, due to the inclusion of Mediamond and Pikasso.
We remind you that the companies using Audioutdoor measurement are: Alessi, APA, IGP, IGPDecaux, IPAS, Local Leader, Mediamond, Pikasso and Urban Vision.
Milan, 6th of september 2024
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